I promise to keep on top of this blog more frequently. If time will allow it I hope to do weekly postings.
June 2 was our first wedding anniversary. Unsure of what I was going to get Daisy I did a little research and was tickled to find out that the traditional first wedding anniversary gift is paper. Rather ambitiously I decided that I was going to a create a paper sculpture for Daisy of a scene from our honeymoon on the island of Capri in Italy. Considering it had been 15 years since I made a paper sculpture it took me much longer than I had planned. Thankfully it was completed on our anniversary and Daisy loved it.
It's amazing how much the lighting effects the look of it. Here's a few photos of it as well some of the scenery that it is based on.

While hiking down Monte Solaro, Daisy and I stumbled upon the shrine to Santuario Santa Maria a Centrella. I'm not entirely sure who Saint Marie was or what event the shrine is associated with. Ancient stone ruins surrounded the mountain side as well as snakes, lizards and flowers. To add to the beauty of it all low flying clouds continuously collided into the mountain.
You'll note that I removed the stone "cap" on top of the shrine for the sculpture.
One of the many lizards on the island. Daisy was fascinated by them so I added one into the sculpture.