April's Highlight's High Five features one of my That's Silly! illustrations. Be sure to pick up a copy for the little ones in your life (or you can pick one up for yourself, I won't tell).
Below is somewhat of a step by step on how I went about making this piece. I say somewhat because there were steps I forgot to take screenshots of. Maybe I shouldn't be giving out my secrets, huh? I may be putting myself out of work.
Below is the hand drawn line art. I use a 05 micron with some touch up done with a 03. I find it gives good clean line weight.
Flat colors are added via Photoshop. I knew I would be drawing the stuff outside the windows with my tablet so there was no need to ink it.

This piece took about 8 hours to sketch, 2-3 hours to ink, and 10 hours to color. This was a quick rush job so I am happy it came out as nice as it did. Whew!
I am a speech therapist and use your highlite pictures for some of my students. They are wonderful for eliciting articulation and also various language skills: negation, motivation, shared attention. I just wanted to write to say THANK YOU for posting!!!
Hey, thank you for the kind words! It does my heart good to hear that!
I have done a lot of speech recognition illustrations over the years for Psycholinguistic Technologies. You can see some examples of those earlier in my blog:
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