I am submitting this for Illustration Friday: Trail. Forgive me if I have submitted this for another theme, I honestly can't remember if I did or not.
For the past few years I have incorporated Ranger Kent and Cowgirl Pearl (two characters my wife and I portrayed for our church's annual Vacation Bible School) into our Christmas card. This year, with the birth of our daughter Virginia, I wanted to put her in as well our dog, Charlotte. The problem I ran into was that Kent and Pearl were never married so I would have a lot of explaining to do if they showed up on the card with a baby, right? I decided to go with it anyway and added this little note on the back of the card:
Last year sometime Ranger Kent and Cowgirl Pearl got hitched and had a baby some 10 months later. Oh, and they also adopted a dog, apparently.
I hope that straightens things out kids!
As a little side note, if you go back and look at some of the illustrations I have done for Highlights this year, you can see Kent or some kind of cowboy in the illustration.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. God Bless you and your family and best wishes for a successful and healthy new year.
- Chuck, Daisy, and Virginia.
Very sweet art. Warmth, love and joy in it. Nice going. Blessings to you in 2010!
I love it: warm, humorous and beautifully drawn! Absolutely wonderful. Congratulations on your new l'il cowgirl and Happy Holidays!
lovely, great for the pioneer theme
little baby carriage is such an awesome idea :)
great illo
Great idea as well execution! Brilliant picture!
I love happy endings...or perhaps beginings!!!
How fitting for both Christmas and the pioneer prompt. Beautifully drawn and colored.
Great work. Love all the details.
Great work Chuck! The lighting is fantastic. Love your characters. I have to check you out in Highlights. Great artwork and great work for God at VBS!
that's just awesome. Perfect lighting and mood, not to mention ... funny!
Wonderful illustration! Fun comments too..: ) Happy New Year!
I love it too. Awesome. Congrats again on your new baby daughter. Peace, maka
Thanks, everyone. I'm glad you liked it.
Just shows how a great concept makes a great illustration. Love the covered wagon baby carriage! And congrats on your baby!
that's really cool - great job - love the tones
I like this a lot. I especially like the covered wagon stroller. That's a great touch.
very sweet! i love the lighting and your interpretation of trail ♥
Hee hee I love the idea of the covered-wagon stroller.
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