The Which Art Student Are You? book is now available for $10 US dollars. Please see the side bar to the right for the over-the-top book trailer. The art has been re-lettered, colored, and 5 new students have been added making the total 25. Not to be missed! Thank you in advance for your support.
I know 10 years is not a long time, but by this time in my teaching career (at the Hussian School of Art in Philadelphia) I think I have had just about every type of student. Earlier this year to relieve my stress I started categorizingand sketching out each student type. Comic artist Daniel Clowes already touched on this categorization in his great comic, Art School Confidential. Plus, I want to give credit to Dave Valeza for his Draw Yourself as a Teen, make sure to check that out! (I apologize for not posting this sooner, I wasn't entirely sure where it originated from- thanks to Charley from for the info). What I wound up with are these 21 types. Over time, I may discover that there are more types or new names for them (ie:goth is now something called emo). Originally I had excluded the average/good students because average/good is not very funny but with much pleading and begging I added it in.
I know 10 years is not a long time, but by this time in my teaching career (at the Hussian School of Art in Philadelphia) I think I have had just about every type of student. Earlier this year to relieve my stress I started categorizingand sketching out each student type. Comic artist Daniel Clowes already touched on this categorization in his great comic, Art School Confidential. Plus, I want to give credit to Dave Valeza for his Draw Yourself as a Teen, make sure to check that out! (I apologize for not posting this sooner, I wasn't entirely sure where it originated from- thanks to Charley from for the info). What I wound up with are these 21 types. Over time, I may discover that there are more types or new names for them (ie:goth is now something called emo). Originally I had excluded the average/good students because average/good is not very funny but with much pleading and begging I added it in.
Listen, I know some people will become fairly ticked off by this. Prior to making these public I ran them by a lot of my students and they seemed to think they were funny and fine to post. Please practice your sense of humor when looking at them.
Anyway, enjoy them and let me know which one you think you are or were...

These are absolutely hilarious ---and true descriptions. I will be forwarding this link to all of my colleagues and friends who teach in art schools.
-Thanks for making my day.
-Joanne Kaliontzis
Adjunct Professor,
NE School of Art & Design
at Suffolk University, Boston
These are GREAT! I hope these have a life beyond this blog - I could see a hip art school using these in their advertising. These are really funny and painfully honest.
Me? I was a mix of the snob/brown noser/loner/stressed/average - sad thing is I haven't really changed that much..
These are so awesome! I believe I did graduate with a few of those student in 2005. I always enjoy your creative characters & their stories. Keep them coming!
Love all your links in your post-thanks
I count 16 images ---what about the 17th type?
Jajajaja this is great... great job
RE: bruce potts
I just meant that anyone who would tattoo their entire face obviously doesn't care too much about how they look. Plus it was a joke, just like the rest of these.
Yeah, there are only 16- I'm an idiot. Sorry about that. Ha ha!
"Everyone is so lame except me."
Yes, yes. I am most familiar with the type of student the artist was.
These are SOOOO good. Thanks for read and entertainment :D
This is freakin' fantastic. I found it via a Facebook link.
If I'm really honest with myself, I would have to admit that I was the brown-noser keener/crabby older student.
these are amazingly hilarious, truthful and insightful!!
i'd say that goth and emo kids are two pretty different things, but both could be included in a "misunderstood spirits" category that includes all kids who wear black cloths & eyeliner, and have bad haircuts, but aren't hardcore enough to fall into the "metal" or "punk" stereotypes.
Also, there's the "comics geek" archetype. among the most hated by their school peers. Closely related to the anime student. some can draw, most cannot, but all are considered disciples of the throwaway babyman culture of muscles and tights.
My mind has been going on for a few more (once I have time I will get them done). The comic geek one is a definite plan!
This makes me feel terrible about myself.
This had me on the FLOOR. I could name a classmate for each one that fit the description to a T. Thank you :)
Informative. Amusing. Awesome.
What kind of a student does that make me?
These are brilliant. I teach high school art but the college stereotypes apply.
Which one were you, chief?
really funny. i posted a link on my new art blog. would it be okay if i posted one of the images (i.e. snob/fine art) in addition to the link?
I find most people see themselves as a combination of a few which is probably a good thing.
I was this one:
thanks! :)
Wonderful post, but I was at a loss. I fit into at least 5-6 of the stereotypes here. On paper I was a "C" student but it was my gen. ed. classes that seemed to get in the way of my 4.0. I was in honors drawing classes and did well but I was never the best in the class. I'm very personable and take critiques well but I did have the odd disagreement with an instructor that failed me because I didn't attend his class as much as he would have liked. It looks like I fit into the average student type but I knew those types and I was far from it. I'm passionate about what I do but not so much that I'm pompous.
I don't smell funny or look weird but I also couldn't afford expensive materials. I put myself through school with loans and a full-time job and I'm not a returning student. I put a lot of stock in my sketchbooks but also know they can't be precious. I'm smarter than the average person but I'm the first to ask questions in hopes of learning more but I'm no brown-noser. Like I said, I'm an amalgamation of a lot of these students and I love that you categorized them. Anthropology fits illustration so well. Cheers!
Chuck - You're really observant and these are hysterical. What kind of student were you? Ah, now I see the "through the years" link. Very funny!
Oh NO! I'm Average! I guess that's not too bad. I'm an interior design student, I think it's close enough to an art student. Anywho, great observations
These are wonderful! Water came out my eye.
The average student looks AND describes me fairly well in the school days.
I went to "fine art" school, but these types exist there as well. I can't decide which one I was. I think I'm a mixture of a few actually.
Great job. I love these.
absolutely hilarious. really great great work.
Those are awesome! Just the hip-hop guy, you forgot to make his pants down to his knees with his boxers shorts and butt completely out.
AWESOME!!! Had so much fun looking at all these types of Students, and a realy nice flash back came up in my head!!!!
I just posted a link on my own blog
with credits, etc...
Hope its OK.
My boyfriend and I went through and for all but 3 of the kinds we could personally name classmates that fit each kind. We couldn't really find ourselves on the list, but that's probably a good thing.
loved all those students you drew have to have a second look
Yeah you forgot the interior design student. Shows up to every class, always shows up with her homework in hand, hates the fact she is surrounded by stinky tattooed weirdos, wears the loud pointy toed shoes etc. Hahahah.
Wow, I can think of at least one person who fit each of these profiles while I was at my college's fine arts program.
Dare I suggest another type called "The Elective." The person who has a completely serious and professional-sounding major like business or biology and takes a few art classes as a forced requirement for cultural studies. Their characteristics would generally be lost and weirded-out by all the hardcore art students. They can't draw worth a damn and often ask other peers desperately for help with simple things like 2 point perspective.
This is spot on, you drew my graduating class! Nice!
A few of these descriptions contain a grain of meanness that I personally don t find funny any more, but some I enjoyed reading. I found the snob student personification most applying to me.
Needs the Indie Art Student: All Clothing either Hand me Down, Salvation Army, or Hand Made, except for the extremely obscure band that no one has heard of; Portfolio is filled with half finished ball point sketches that are covered with coffee stains and are of strange random objects and scenes from a twisted imagination; book bag is old military surplus; profolio case is covered in obscure band stickers, skin is pale from too much time in Coffee Shops; Etc. Etc.
can this be tranlated to spanish? if its ok I can do it, really funny drawings, you can contact me at, keep it up.
What's really funny is I nearly look exactly like the average student.
Spot on hilarious illustrations!
Put it on a shirt!!
These are so spectacular, I can't even handle it. Nice work!
As it turns out, I'm mostly Metal Student with bits of Student 1.0 and Stressed Student in the mix.
This is so accurate and funny. Man, this really brings back memories. I've been out of art school for about 12 years now, but I can put a name of someone I knew to each of these illustrations.
Personally, I was probably a combo of the Brownnoser Student and the Metal Student with a healthy dose of the Stress Student near the end of each semester.
I can certainly say that I went to school with a lot of people who really lived to be the stereotype, but I'm not sure I (or anyone else I know) could fit me into one any more than another. I was a slightly better than average student, social, hygienic and had the brain of a mad scientist.
Come to think of it, I'm still that way.
I posted 4 more student types...
I'll look into the t-shirts, that would be fun.
Any ideas as to where to go? is cafepress any good?
I couldn't find me: "the design student"
as usual with these things, I find myself as an amalgamation of various ones, but hilarious nevertheless!
I think it'd be more accurate to replace 15 of these with 'Hipster'. You can leave 'Hip Hop Guy' in for that added racist flair.
This really, really nailed a few of the folk I just graduated with. Like really.
This only scares me because I think I'm probably the good/average student.
i was a dirty/hip hop/brown noser... now i'm the drawing instructor.
where's the teacher series? it should start with a bitter and judgmental master student who was an idealist his first year, but was uniquely stuck with an endless parade of lazy and stupid kids he couldn't engage. he feels undermined when questioned, and responds with humor in a passive aggressive way, accusing people who don't share his humor of not practicing theirs. if not tragically sour by 30, he will be by 40, handing out many self-satisfied Fs for sub-par sketchbooks.
Wow. Sorry. I know I was a jerk sometimes and I apologize.
I've been an art student for 8 years now, and I oddly don't fit into to just any one category. I could easily pick apart some of these to make me. but its great to see because of how true they are.
I just don't think I've come across the loner/alien student, at my school the loner would be more like the hippy but the hippys always are in groups.
none the less, great work.
This is an incredible set of characxter studies. As someone who has spent time teaching design I'm very familiar with them all.
What, never had the Christian student that refuses to attend the figure drawing sessions because being in the same room with a naked woman is immoral?
These are great! So true and hilarious. I know a lot of the people I graduated with fit these, if not completely then in at least a few ways.
I'm not sure where I fit, I think I'm a bit of an amalgamation of some of them XD
So... Is there anything you like about teaching or you're one of those artist wannabes who couldn't quite make it?
I thought it was going to be funny, but by the fifth, not only does it get repetitive, but the lack of astute observations of character traits becomes apparent while the tedious literal style of humor becomes almost embarrassing... No Oscar Wilde material here...
I'm glad I'm not your student... You come off as a judgmental frustrated teacher by obligation instead of a witty mentor.
I'm definitely the Comic book nerd one :P
This makes me want to be less of a pretentious little shit in school, now that I know teachers DO notice.
It makes me sad to know that I am at least 75% the 'amazing disappearing reappearing' student.
LE SIGH DAMMIT. Ah well, at least I know people who are everything else.
Hehehe, I am a Moore College student that just finished my freshman year and I have met every single one of these people. Kind of disconcerting that I don't know which one I am... but they were all enjoyable anyway.
Holy Crap! I mean I graduated from Art School 1981...and every single one of them except the tech geek ( hey no computer stuff back then)
was in my class...Im not sure which one I was...probably closest to the average mixed with a bit of comicbook geeky ness and some emo sprinkled on top..HAHAH
great stuff!!!
hey hey it's paul from the 2005 class. good job with these! haha, you gotta love that people are actually getting upset over these. Guaranteed those are the people that never showed up.
I think you missed one though...I didn't see the "Awesome/handsome/charming/talented/genius" one that pertains to me haha :D
I think that means I know which one she thinks you really are.
These are hysterical! I was the returning student, but I didn't dye my hair or get cute clothes. I just wore the same stuff I did in the 80s - jeans and tennis shoes. Only the jeans were much bigger. Oh, and I never had a rose tattoo, just the grim reaper and a snake and dagger. (Thank goodness for laser.)
I've been in classes with everyone of these students, except you forgot the "Born-Again Returner" whose concept work all has to do with a lot of blood and the Easter Bunny. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, large wedding ring and she whispers every time she says the word "liberal."
it's just like "Benny & Mice" comic. Almost similar in "lost in bali" edition when they categorized every tourist in bali
where's the super pretentious photography student???
sigh... I fear to admit I must have been the "average student" :'(
As a one-time (and looong time) art student and current University instructor, I find this post/series of drawings ABSOLUTE COMEDIC GOLD.
I guess to appreciate them, you have to have been an art student at some point, because I think I knew/know half of those characters! Or maybe you (as the viewer) need to pull your head out of your own ass and recognize the sheer amount of students we see as educators and how similar they can all seem to be... very much like this.
Also, whilst pulling head from anus, take a deep breath, stand up and look in the mirror... I think I can see traits in myself represented in about 60% of these characters. I think i was mostly Metal/Comic/Average, but there's a lot to work with here.
Great job. I'll be forwarding this across the board to my fellow art instructors and colleagues.
- E.Granger
Studio Artist
(Undisclosed Florida) University
Continued thanks everyone! It does my heart good to know that you are receiving them with good humor and having fun!
Everyone of these has something that I am making fun of in myself which makes me empathetic to the struggle of going through art school. We all go through some wacky times and this was my way of just poking fun of myself and everyone else.
As I said, I see myself in 100% of these. I was the comic geek, the dirty student (we called it grunge then), the talkative student, the fine art snob, the brown-noser, the environmental hippy, the stressed student (and teacher), and the good ol' average.
I have done it more specifically here if you're interested...
I'll be going to Tyler in the fall (sorry Hussian!) and will be categorizing everyone I see this way.
I think I see myself as mostly average, who is a fan of comic books, likes asian candy(but hates manga. bleh), slightly falling into the club category because I like cute clothes then falling out of club category and into stressed because I never have time to do my hair.
Hm... I think that's about it.
Fantastic! I wish I had done that myself (science major, but still). Or better yet, illustrating some of the designers I've interviewed at my own blog would have been fun (good fun, I promise... mostly)!
What, no ex-military students? Though I suppose those aren't too common...Welp, to starting a new demographic! Cheers, me!
Very good drawing, and types of students. i can relate to the traveler student.
I'm not going to lie, I'm probably somewhere between snob, stressed out, and metal student. The stress is from overly ambitious projects which I often don't complete.
I think as a Sculpture major, my department has all these and a few more. There's the guy who will use his Sculpture degree to become a construction worker, and there's the girl who uses exclusively fabric because she's afraid of using any tool she describes as 'scary'.
These are amazing though. I'll definitely be showing this to my friends.
these are all awesome chuck. all of them. it seems to hit the nail right on the head.
Too funny. I especially appreciate all the indignant 'anonymous' remarks.
I was a graphic design instructor for ten years, and can concur with most of these profiles. The sad truth is that a great majority of our students have incredible potential, but are simply way too immature to capitalize on it while they’re enjoying (or at least desperately trying to enjoy) their first extended vacation away from home (the most expensive vacation they will ever have).
Take a few years off, build up some life experience, and then come back as a non-traditional student with a passion and a purpose. At this point, you’ll retain subtle and more sophisticated aspects of “your style,” without waiving it all around like a bludgeon. Or not; we couldn’t have a laugh at this stuff without all that puerile posturing.
these are great.
I can admit it, I was the whiny student (maybe with a little bit of the average & anime thrown in for good measure)
but I have matured into a hard working graphic designer now. :D
ahahaha, these are hysterical! i definitely went to school with at least one of each of these guys!
Yes!! Big, big yes! But, you forgot the skinny jeans, hounds-tooth-sporting, graphic designers who are OBSESSED with identifying type faces and pray to Helvetica. Also the ones in school today usually don't understand how to operate a pencil :)
Hilarious. I can totally name classmates that fit all those categories!
I was the average/stressed student.
OMG You're so right, all of my classmates fit in one of these archetypes, I hope you don't mind if I print these to show it to them
Brilliant! Please, though, go deeper into the type of artwork each student creates, because that says so much about them, even more than their appearance.
As some of the other comments have pointed out, the pretentious photography student who never leaves the house with less than 4 cameras on them, and the contemporary sculpture student who is either covered in blowtorch soot or dumsterdiving materials for their next installation, are definitely missing.
I would also throw in the printmaker who's obsessed with paper to a point that it could be considered a fetish. And the video art/film student who is always making postmodern feminist zombie films in black and white.
Otherwise... spot on.
I'm going into a small art glass program in the fall and unfortunately, I am pretty much an average/brownnoser. I wish I could change this about myself(at least the teacher's pet bit) but I'm doubtful... *sigh*
I'm going to be a high school art teacher this September and you know I'm gonna use these for preference. These are priceless!
this is hillarious! i think i'm a little bit of each. some of them i thought i was but just not quite. it's funny though i know who these people are at my school. by the way your a really good cartoonist. and my favorite one is the talkative girl(i know her also)
Is it me or does the Mom Student seem biased?
trully wonderfull.
congrats from brazil!
I am most certainly a bastard child of the Loner/Alien student and the Metal student.
And I recognize all of my friends and classmates here. Wow. This rules.
I'm a student at Ai, and I swear some of these look like people I know.
It's too bad this is not about video students, I would say I'm the stressed out kid.
Wow these are awesome. I'm not an art student, I'm an applied mathematics student and I think your observations can transcend more than just the realm of art students. I am by far the metal student (replace fantasy art with sci-fi though). Definitely well done.
Im laughing so hard!
But sadly Im none of them! Maybe because I live in Sweden those doesnt really apply? We have another category called "the esthetic" which is often a girl (or a girlish boy) with lots of colours, stripes, cute stuff from japan, big fluffy hair with bangs and some cute stuff in it, cajal and piercings piercings piercings (and a tattoo of a star somewhere)
Im more the entrepreneur...wait, Ill just draw it for you. Be back in a day or two ;)
HAHAHAHA *nothing else* HAHAHAHA *and so on* HAHAHA
Coming from a design school, i love it, but where is that graphics I <3 APPLE person, so clean, so crisp, so down to the details. probably one with very thick black plastic eyewear.
And also within my school the ID students (a group of them) were the Bike obsessive person, they draw and then go mountain biking. and they wear the north face brand jacket, street skater shoes, and jeans...too, got any of those at your school?
I love the sketches... but unfortunately none fit me... :C
Hey everyone-
I just wanted to give proper credit to Dave Valeza for his Draw Yourself as a Teen, make sure to check that out! (I apologize for not posting this sooner, I wasn't entirely sure where it originated from- thanks to Charley from for the info).
Dave Valeza's Draw yourself as a teen:
I was a combination of the "College Chuck" and an 80's version of the Metal Student... possibly Grunge Student (not represented). I had a flannel on or tied around my waist every day and a pair of Military Surplus combat boots.
So little of that has changed in 19 years. I still can't finish anything.
Great stuff!
@eric_merced from twitter linked to your Which Student are you and I had to laugh. I'm the mom student!
Gonna forward this on!
Man, these are fully as hell. Yeah, sure, they are stereotypes, but some of the points are pretty true, and after all the humor in these resides with the fact that they are stereotypes.
The only thin more funny here is that there are so many people who are upset by your obvious humor and are actually taking offense. You, I believe, have struck a chord!
I got a couple requests to have these made into t-shirts so here you go.
They can be purchased at my fully secure site, store30x30. They are available in men's and women's sizes and come in 31 different colors.
Mix between Average and brown noser, though mostly average...
not a good thing I'd say.
recently i've become more talkative
Holy Crap - I'm the "Mom" Student - but without the kids. Scary.
These are AWESOME!!! I went to art school TWICE (who doesn't) and I think I covered about every one of these. I CANNOT stop laughing!!
Julia Singh
Absolutely brilliant...I think I am an amalgam of some of the characters thought...
Not any of the specifically.
These are so great - I can see a lot of my classmates here, especially the stressed one, and the comic book one (omg haha) and the metal one, DEFO.
Someone posted that there should be one for the student who has a near paper fetish - that would definitely be me. Other than that, I don't really see myself here! That's probably a good thing :)
Still have a bit of everything. These keep getting better.
One of my students sent me over here and I started spouting acronyms... lol, OMG!
This is brilliant. I'm a new teacher and still a bit gob-smacked that anyone would whine when learning animation, but there they are right there in the list and in my class.
I even see myself in there as a student.
Can't wait for the 'art teacher' series (don't forget to include the animation teacher).
Not a Professor or anything
Just an animation teacher
Brisbane, Australia
I could not avoid laughing loud at these, since i saw many of my classmates and myself reflected on your "student analysis"...Great work on this!!!
So to be a good student you need to be average? hmmmmm
That's Ingenious!!!
AND - True!
I've met almost every type out there...
Awesome! I think I have abit of everyone of them in me.
wow, i can't believe people are getting offended by's SATIRE people...
i like these a others have said, there are definitely crossovers to be found, but i like the ones you have....
i may have missed it, but i didn't see The Photography Student on there, who from my recollections, were a whole different breed from the rest...
hahahahaha !! L-O-V-E !!
Hi Chuck, Love these illustrations! You should check out the National Student Show & Conference. Each spring we host a conference and competition to find the nations leading talent in art & design.
If you have any questions, or ideas for next years event please contact me. We'd love to hear from you!
Chairman // 6th Annual National Student Show & Conference
Nice selection of very white stereotypes.
I'm definitely the brown-noser.
Except I never brought cookies....but I did live at home and did have a massively heavy portfolio. AND No matter what I do, my hair always migrates to that ponytail that I managed to learn to do on my own in the first grade.
I like how apparently the only good student is the one slavishly hovering in mediocrity - plain clothes, bland expression, no apparent interests.
Oh God, I was totally an anime brown-noser. One of the worst possible combinations...
I always loved the Mom students. Nondescript, but with awesome work. One even had her daughter in the same school...she was the one who never had stuff in!
Man, I wish i could find one of me, ugh. Oh well i went to state school for art, too many arteeest in art school.
Luv them all!
THANK you for sharing your insight! I can't stop laughing.
WOW! Love them! I can totally relate being an Art Teacher myself. I'm going to share this with my students.
Jay Montgomery
Adjunct Illustration Professor
SCAD Atlanta
I was definitely dirty student. And then became disappearing student. Years later I taught for a little while and had to deal with some of these, the worst being whiny student. Oh Whiny student why do you bother!! And why all the flesh hanging out when you are so obviously overweight?! AAARggh!
These are hilarious. You really should add one on the beginning photographer who can't figure out the menu, buttons and dials on their new digital camera. Web design, to graphic design and into illustration in January. I'm positive I've been several of these at some point.
Inspired, if derivative, work that could have been much better if the artist had spent even two minutes trying for legible lettering. I'd give it a B-.
Hahahahah love it!!!Done something like that in my blog about different types of couples, and a friend of mine who found your blog thought you 'rock'!!! You do!!!
ah, jeez, this pretty much sums up what was my 2d design class. Man, the truth hurts. xD
100% accurate, congrats!
Where the Asians? :p
With the emergence of Web 2.0...I think you might have to "upgrade" Student 1.0.
These are spot on :D! Though i'm not an arts student (cs), i'm the student 1.0 kind.
for your information goths and emos are not the same thing, emos are goth wannabes who cut them selves abd are prone to greater fits of depression and horrible hair styles.
sincerly a concerned goth
I'm a little bit of all of those! LOL
i was an average student. *wipes an average tear*
This is so incredibly true. XD As a current art student, I definitely know at least one person of each "stereotype" listed, and I found it hilarious to go through the list and match who was who in my own classes, for fun. XD As for me, I'm a mash-up between the average and the stressed...definitely stressed, either way! XD
Jesus!Still giggling and looking at my own students doesn't help either.Can see myself as metalhead/stressed student back in the day.when's the calender/posters coming out,i wanna post some around my classroom.
Humorous and well-done and yet I can see how this would wound some people's feelings.
I am a combo of the Anime kid and Art Snob, which by all accounts (according to everyone but me), these two should be polar opposites. Hmm......I'm also the Comic/Geek, because I'm a dork, but I don't like superhero drivel. I'm also not overweight, I do maintain good hygiene and my family cannot afford me expensive *anything* and I'm paying for school with financial aid. I am definitely Stressed student, too.
I'd also qualify for the Scene kid/hipster/indie whatever student because I wear skinny jeans, bright colors, thrift clothing and maintain asymmetrical, unnaturally colored hair. This type must be included in EVERY art school. If you build an art school, they will come.
However, I sense a bias when describing the Metal kid's 'great' fantasy art (and the Mom student, as someone mentioned). You may dislike anime art, but not everyone is impressed by dragons and sorceresses, either.
I wish there were the foreign student represented on here. I was one of the several at my art school. I have no clue how some of the other "alien" kids got in the school because they hardly were able to speak any English and as far as I remember I had to bust my ass to get a 550 score on my TOEFL test. Are any of you remembering the interesting variety going on with our teachers, there was some great characters I can remember. Thanks for posting these awesome stereotypes soon to be archetypes. LOL
Which of these am I ... none of them, really, but then I'm an applied mathematician, not an art student.
How did I find my way in here, again?
Wow these are really great, loved 'em.
Overall wonderful, but where is the "hipster"?? He/she has nut-hugger jeans & always a cigarette and very apathetic attitude.
I agree with the idea of a printer obsessed with paper to a point of it being a fetish, that was totally in my art school!!
I can't find myself here at all!
I think there's a type of art student (fine art) that deals with only self portraits, and many many many of them, and does photography, painting, and is usually female. You know, the feminine angst type, like Tracey Emins, Sue Williams?
There's also the exclusively 3D art kind of geek boy who keeps posting on deviantArt. You can't miss that one!
Hhm. None of students in my art class resemble any of these. We must have been an exceptionally cool bunch to so thoroughly defy convention.
I do believe you have just described everyone on my art course. I think I'm most Student 1.0.
Aaaah so good!
Alien Loner here. Shy people REPRESENT!
What about a student that is a little of all? I am still a student (for the next 2 months :p) and I don't recognezie me in any of them... I only see little bits in each. What type is that? A regular person? A real student?
Anyone coming down on this guy for sketching these is a hypocrite! Come on! Have you been back to art school since you left? ITS EXACTLY THE SAME except now there's technology which just adds another level. Art teachers see the same thing year in and year out! Yeah there are good students/ artists, but there are also what seems like the same kids again and again and again. Can't blame the guy for venting a little. Plus its funny. Opening scene of Art School Confidential (terrible movie, only good for intro) --- barefoot girl steps on glass. Classic!
I think should of taken the shoes off dirty guy. Dirty guy doesn't wear shoes.
After reading all of it I think I'm a brownnoser, even though I'm a dude.
PDN has not responded to the accusations of passive racism, so it is hard to say whether it is an oversight on their part, or something more sinister. It appears more to be a symptom of the culture.
Wonderful! As a "currently former" college art instructor myself, I must concur. Yes, they are stereotypes, and that IS bad, but a stereotype is just a ghetto version of the more respectable archetype, no? In any case, of course no one student is EXACTLY any one of these, but most are combos - I see a bit of myself in all of them.
A challenge for your nice summer break: Art instructor versions! Preferably "where are they now" versions of the original students that eventually will become college art professors in the future (based on existing art professor stereotypes). And props due to D. Clowes!!! Righteous big up!
P.S. - I'm the post-punk-anarchist-cum-white-rasta-wannabe - is there such a thing?
i smell a facebook quiz.
"Art School Confidential" revisited with some worthy stereotypes added to the cast...LOL!!! Daniel Clowes would crack a smile.
oh wow~
these caricatures really reminded me of my BA years back then :D
really cool works!
Initially thought this was great and requires further reading... but now I see how it could be hurtful to the most sensitive types out there - fellow artists.
Hilarious...thanks for making my day
These are FANTASTIC!!! It's funny 'cause it's true. I was one of these and now I teach them.
I am really amazed how I can recognize every single co-student from my class :) My colleagues are ROFLing too!
Great stuff!
You need to add the "Smart-Ass Cartoonist" stereotype. I saw a few of these guys when I was at Hussian.
The ones who never seem to be paying attention in class (buy really are) and always have their head down drawing in their sketchbooks.
The ones who fill about 10 or more sketchbooks a year and are always drawing funny/weird/sarcastic cartoons of their classmates, teachers and life in general.
The ones who always win all the drawing awards at graduation because they're constantly drawing.
If you don't do it, I just might do it myself.
Hey, thanks again everyone! I just wanted to say that I am not ignoring your comments, I read everyone and take it into consideration for new types.
I just got back from vacation and have been very busy but I will be posting a few new types soon (I always planned on 25 but time wouldn't allow it just yet).
Also, I wanted to address the "race" issue. I intentionally made these all white because that is what I am and I thought these types had nothing to do with race. I find these traits in all of the races. The fact that people are relating to them in every part of the world is proof enough for me.
Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!
I'm an art student in Brazil and i work at my college as an asst. instructor at the printmaking ateliers... All the instructors and technicians here are LOL!!! We recognized so many students!
Love it! the commentary from other bloggers as well! UGHHHH. Brings back all sorts of gross memories about art school and the people who were once the center of my universe. Agreed on the suggestion for the Smart-Ass Cartoonist. :)
I added another one making the total 21. I think I have a few more in me but I have been busy so I'll get them done when I get them done.
Also, the t-shirt store ( has full color versions of the students although at this point I only have anime, metal and comic book completed. The rest will hopefully be up by month's end.
I am so glad I'm not any of these people... gross.
These are great!!! Awesome perception and drawing skills!
These are very funny and well-done, I can pick out nearly all of my friends from school... alas I think I am a cross between the hippie and the metal kid... which strikes even me as a bit odd.
This is great, but it needs hipsters. Despite the apparent ease with which your blog readers are offended, the hipster thing can never offend anybody because everyone hates hipsters, ESPECIALLY hipsters. The kids getting offended are probably all goths with wings anyway.
How come there aren't any talented students, other than the metal guy? You have talented students right?
I'm the stressed student with no finishes, by the way... ugh.
*cries pitifully* OH MY GOD! I'm just AVERAGE! *wails*
I totally agree on the metal art students usually having a great attitude... I guess that's why I am always friends with them! XD
The next step is a "Fame" script for a pilot episode about life in an art school.
Hope you'll make a comic about them.
nice. now turn the tables and do a series on art profs.
absolutely brilliant... i want a t-shirt... :D
These sterotypical caricatures are too great. In four years of college I think I have encountered almost all personalities posted (not too the same extreme of course). (Sigh) I have tried to determine myself thinking a happy marriage between average kid and a brown noser (on a good day anyway)
This is funny. As someone who satirizes the art world, it doesn't get better than this.
HI.. I'm an industrial designer.. Can I post some of your sketches on my facebook?
Thanks again, everyone!
I just wanted to let you know that I am making a full color book with these with some new lettering and a few new characters. I'm also including my favorite anonymous hate mail. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for all the support and encouragement. It really does mean a lot.
I love these, you really know your art students. I, being one, know your pain. I'm embarking on a new journey, blogging as the anonymous art student. It's my only way of making myself feel normal in this "Art-asylum". I am still though trying to figure out which "student" I am though.... I think I'm a different breed.
These are great! The "alien" student almost made me pee because at my art school there was a kid who believed he was an actual alien.
Here are some types your forgot:
"Hipster douchebag": a combination of the snob student and the hippy/dirty one. Shops at American Apparel/Whole Foods Market and is usually majoring in Graphic Design. Thinks they will be instantaneously rich upon graduation, despite being in an oversaturated field. Listens to Animal Collective and other indie bands.
"The Furry": only draws anthropomorphic animals unless otherwise instructed. Sometimes wears hat with cat ears or polyester tail. Sometimes meows or chirps in class. Posts work on DeviantArt and has more "adult" works of art on FurAffinity. Usually majoring in Animation or Illustration. Hopes to work for Disney or Dreamworks.
"The Closet Furry": Does all of the above yet denies being a furry. Has a hard drive FULL of furry porn. Sometimes tries to fit in with hipsters.
"The Flamboyantly Gay Fashion Major:" 'Nuff Said.
Art Anonymous: these are the best of the worst stereotypes of art students so don't be surprised if you don't find yourself among them. Most find pieces of themselves which is normal.
Thanks for the suggestions, PenningtonBeast. I am working on a few more new ones and the furry student is definitely among them! I'm makiong a book of these that will hopefully be completed and available by mid Spring.
More info here:
What about the Rock'n'Roll student, who's against the whole system and the way the teachers want to "change" him into something usefull for society (which he detests).
Nice Illustrations!! What about Average Good Student?
These were great. I put a link to this from the Facebook Group, "Help! I went to Art School. Now What"
Art majors have changed in some ways since my day, but you can imagine yourself and others in these.
Love these! so painfully true, for me and for all my art school pals. I'd love to see the professor versions (bitter ex-abstract-expressionist, the grade-waffler, the Womyn's Herstory prof, etc).
Some more students I know: the white guilt student (no Western dead white male influences, uses Aboriginal art out of context, lots of ethnic prints and wooden necklaces), the gigolo (flirts with all the models, all drawings zoom in on anatomical parts, wants you to come to his dorm and see his great Egon Schiele books), the Etsy student (like the "furry" above)-fuzzy sketchbook with cute child-like but professional drawings, tiny obsessive-compulsive crafty details, socks they knitted themselves in class, square glasses and betty page wannabe hairdo.
awesome stuff! thanks for the laughs!
this is so funny, didn't even notice there are so many types of students in my school last time. however some do exist! haha!
funny isn't it but i was shy in my school life and not enjoyed at all my school life like the others. your blog is amazing for the information and entertainment seeker.
content writer
B. Rutter is definitely the Anime student!
Now that's an depiction of college student stereotypes! Nicely done.
Hey everyone! The Which Art Student Are You? Book is now available. Follow this link or look to the right of my blog for purchase info.
Thanks for your support!
i see a typo, heehee
I love these and can't wait to share your blog with others. My favorite is the goth/emo student, of course. I love the line, "Wants to be different like everyone else" and their bag usually has a Tim Burton character on it haha. My cousin is 13, but thinks she is 14. This reminds me of her. She has a unisex name too!
Some more students I know: the white guilt student (no Western dead white male influences, uses Aboriginal art out of context, lots of ethnic prints and wooden necklaces), the gigolo (flirts with all the models, all drawings zoom in on anatomical parts, wants you to come to his dorm and see his great Egon Schiele books), the Etsy student (like the "furry" above)-fuzzy sketchbook with cute child-like but professional drawings, tiny obsessive-compulsive crafty details, socks they knitted themselves in class, square glasses and betty page
this is so cool.....i am a bit of all those maybe.... i am sharing it ahead...
Really nice!!Great!!!
Hihi, funny, though I have to correct you at some point which annoyed me a lot. Goths and Emos are far from the same, while Goth is still the same as it has always been, Emo or Scene is a somewhat newer style that's actually a mix from a few other styles; Punk, Goth etc... Also: NOT ALL EMOS CUT THEMSELVES!! Hate that idea people have. None of my 'emo/scene' looking friends does this and neither do I, while a bunch of 'normal' looking folk I know actually do cut themselves.
Thanks, GED, those are funny suggestions- Aboriginal art out of context- ha ha! Brilliant!
Dear Anonymous "emo/scene",
I have had this goth/emo discussion many times and I have come to the conclusion that I really don't care. Hopefully some day you won't either and you'll realize that you really are (your name here).
I am only just now discovering this post. I've only been teaching for about 3 years myself, but I have encountered just about every one of these students! Thanks for the chuckle.
Hey, I put a link to this post on one of the blogs that I keep for my students. I borrowed one image (the "stressed student") as a teaser in my post. But, if you'd prefer I didn't use your image, I will take it down.
Thanks, Jason!
The Disenchanted Natural: Sewed his own frock coat so he can look like the mayor of his own wild west town. Throws a pot perfectly on the first try, then gives up. Paints like an ax murderer. Slumped shoulders and wistful look betray thoughts of becoming an underground cartoonist to spite everyone in today's critique. Instructs other students on how to loosen up their drawings. Spends most of his time staring at his first mark on the page.
I found the last one rather offensive - the christian one. Not all of them are like that.
These are quite funny though.
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